Classroom Lockdown Kit
The ProPac classroom lockdown kit, which weighs 30 lbs. and is contained in a five-gallon pail that serves as an emergency toilet with a built in seat and lid, includes emergency food, water and support items for 15 people. Each kit contains:
Safety and Crisis Response Platform
CrisisGo has developed a digital safety and crisis response platform designed to enable first responders, school staff, and parents communicate about safety issues instantly and respond to a crisis effectively.
Two-Way School Communication
TASSTA Americas system operates similar to a two-way radio but instead operators over a cellular device (known as LTE) or over a school’s WI-FI system if LTE isn’t available.
SRO Emergency Medical Kit
SRO Crisis Response kit provides an SRO with the medical products necessary to provide the necessary treatment for people injured in an emergency situation.
Bird’s Eye View of Safety
nSide has created a robust platform that provides 360° views of a school’s campus that produce a virtual walk-through of buildings.
A Second Pair of Eyes
ZeroEyes, which integrates into existing security cameras, uses artificial Intelligence (AI) to proactively identify anyone brandishing a gun as they are entering a school, preventing mass shootings and gun violence.
Bulletproof Backpack
Bullet Block has introduced an ultralight, bulletproof canvas backpack that is constructed with Kevlar technology that is discreetly sewn into the backpack.