NYSSBA statement on school violence prevention

Tuesday’s shooting that killed two people celebrating a high school graduation in Richmond, Virginia, including a young woman who had just received her diploma, underscores the relentless heartache felt by students, parents and educators who now face a constant potential for once-unthinkable acts of gun violence.

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VIDEO: Schools have less security requirements than the Cannabis Industry, this needs to change right now

In the latest episode of SecurED, host Mike Matranga engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Kevin Hill, a former police officer and security director, about the contrasting security regulations between the cannabis industry and the K-12 sector.

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Texas House votes to require panic buttons in every classroom and armed guards in every school

The Texas House on Tuesday gave final approval to legislation that is calling for significant investments to beef up schools’ safety, including hiring at least one armed security officer at every campus, providing incentives for school employees to get certified to carry a weapon and installing silent panic alert buttons in every classroom.

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