4 safety-related grants available for K-12 schools in Wisconsin

by Mik Olson

As of 2023, several safety and security grants are available for K-12 schools in the state of Wisconsin to help ensure the well-being of students, staff, and faculty. These grants aim to improve security infrastructure, provide emergency preparedness training, and promote school safety.

1. School Safety Grant Program - This program provides up to $100 million in grants to K-12 schools across the state. The funds can be used for a variety of purposes, such as physical security improvements, mental health services, and training for staff and students.

2. Safe and Supportive Schools Program - This program provides up to $7.5 million in grants to K-12 schools in Wisconsin. The funds can be used to create safe and supportive learning environments for all students, improve school climate, and provide mental health services.

3. Comprehensive School Safety Initiative - This federal initiative provides grants to K-12 schools across the country. The funds can be used to support research, evaluation, and implementation of evidence-based school safety measures, such as security infrastructure and emergency preparedness.

4. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: This department offers various resources related to school safety, including threat assessments, emergency preparedness, security audits, and school safety grants.

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Here are several national safety and security grants available specifically for private schools