Enhancing safety: Wake County Schools introduce cutting-edge visitor management system

by mik olson, campus contingency

Wake County schools have recently implemented an advanced visitor management system, prioritizing campus safety and fostering a welcoming environment for all. Before accessing the campus, every visitor, including mail and food couriers as well as parents, must now sign in.

The decision to implement these changes stems from the expertise of a security consultant hired by Wake County schools. With the goal of standardizing visitor protocols across all 200 schools in the district, the consultant recommended investing in a state-of-the-art visitor check-in system. Despite some critics suggesting that the funds could have been allocated to hiring more school resource officers, the district firmly believes that the introduction of this new system benefits all individuals on campus.

Introducing the state-of-the-art Verkada visitor management system, which brings cutting-edge technology to address school security needs. This system not only establishes a consistent sign-in process district-wide but also ensures the safety of both students and staff. Upon arrival, visitors are required to input their phone number and present identification, which is conveniently scanned by an iPad mounted on a pole at the school's front entrance.

Recognizing that not all visitors may readily have or desire to present documentation, the district has made provisions for dedicated school personnel to manually enter visitor information if they are personally familiar with the individual. The primary focus is on facilitating authorized interactions with students without burdening visitors with excessive paperwork.

The Verkada system conducts comprehensive background checks to verify if a visitor is listed in the nationwide sex offender registry or has a record of trespassing, domestic abuse, child custody issues, or other serious legal matters. Even regular volunteers are kindly requested to undergo the sign-in process during each visit. The district's utmost priority is safety, and this system enables continuous monitoring for any recent changes in an individual's background.

Rest assured, well-defined protocols are in place to address situations where a visitor is flagged by the system. If a visitor's name clears the background check, a visitor badge is promptly printed, granting access to the campus. However, if an alert is triggered at the point of entry, designated school staff members are immediately notified. Simultaneously, alerts are dispatched to key personnel, including the principal, assistant principals, and the school resource officer, ensuring prompt and appropriate action if required.

The district acknowledges that there may be questions surrounding these new procedures, and they are committed to providing detailed information to parents prior to the first day of classes. For year-round schools, the classes commence on July 11, while traditional-calendar schools start on August 28. Parents can be assured that this new system plays a vital role in creating a safer and more secure environment for students, teachers, and all visitors.

At Campus Contingency, our mission is to collaborate with schools nationwide, delivering effective solutions to streamline point-of-access campus security. Inspired by the successful blueprint provided by Wake County schools, which integrated Verkada's expertise, we are dedicated to assisting schools in achieving their safety goals.

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