Common K-12 data security issues and how to solve them

A thorough look at the K-12 cyber landscape will tell you that data security issues abound across the country. Nobody’s impervious to a data breach, but there’s plenty you can do to avoid security threats as nimbly and effectively as possible.

Let’s examine each security issue individually and discuss how it can be mitigated:

1. Weak password security

Strong passwords are fundamental to data privacy. Too often, however, students and staff rely on the same old, weak passwords to log into countless apps and websites — including school-provided cloud services.

Weak passwords make it easy for cyber attackers to guess login credentials. Worse yet, once they gain unauthorized access to an account they may inject malware, steal sensitive data, or launch phishing attacks to mine more information.


VIDEO: Schools have less security requirements than the Cannabis Industry, this needs to change right now


Only one-third of school districts have a full-time employee dedicated to cybersecurity